The Jokinisu Group offers full scale line-production services

in Cyprus, ​Sri Lanka, AND MALAYSIA

​What we do

The Jokinisu Group is a line-production platform, specializing in primarily (but not only) reality-tv productions. We offer production companies and independent producers from anywhere in the world all the services you would expect from a professional line-producer.

Our main objective is to provide you with a mutually defined and well-prepared workflow, with transparent financials, state of the art technical equipment, plus always having an eye on sustainable solutions and carbon emission footprints – all this supported by presenting you with a skillful local workforce and by maintaining strong government relations in both countries.

Take a look at our general services here.

​Please note that Cyprus now offer EU-sanctioned 45 % cash rebate incentive schemes, now also for non-scripted shows. This is a game changer especially for reality shows who haven’t been eligible before. Have a look at the Mediterranean incentive scheme here.


JANUARY 6, 2024​

Jokinisu Group's Sri Lankan partner, Circle 360, is right now line producing two major reality TV productions in wonderful Sri Lanka. We look forward to pushing the actual record-button for Bachelorette, which Warner Brothers Discovery produces for TV2 Denmark.

JANUARY 11, 2024​

Jokinisu Group is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the first-ever incentivized rebate payout for an international reality TV show filmed in stunning Cyprus! This groundbreaking achievement was made possible under the government's visionary cash-back scheme and the unwavering support of key partners. A huge "thank you" to The Cypriot Film Commission and Film Commissioner Lefteris Eleftheriou for their dedication to attracting filming projects to the country.

We also extend our deepest gratitude to our invaluable and super professional line producer partner, Green Olive Films. Finally, a big shout-out to APC Audit Tax Advisory for their financial guidance and support. We're eager to welcome even more exciting projects in 2024 and beyond, contributing to the country's economic and cultural landscape.


VAT number: 10439345Y


HE 439345

home Kolokotroni, 6, Floor 1, Room/Office 6
​1101, Nicosia, Cyprus

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